Extending Battery Life with Power Management ICs

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A common issue of users of a mobile device is that they typically run out of batteries for their phones, iPads, laptops or other powered devices. Nothing more than that gets you completely mad when the device gets abandoned at the worst possible time. Yet, as technology modernized, new uses of electronics emerged such as cinematic quality displays, multi-core processors, faster cellular connection like 5G, and augmented reality which in turn made them even more power-hungry. Although achieving this task is quite challenging, we certainly recognize the importance and will do our utmost to reach this target.

It is here where the PMICs, in short PMIs, lie behind the scenes, playing a vital role. PMICs are IC components that are designed to distribute electrical power efficiently when demanded at various parts of the device. Through constant digital controls and rapid optimizations, PMICs ensure just the right voltage and current levels are delivered only to active components. Any wasted power is avoided through intelligent management strategies.

In this in-depth article, we will explore in detail the inner workings of PMIC technology. Key functions like voltage regulation, battery charging and power sequencing will be examined. Emerging solutions promising even greater efficiencies will also be outlined. Real-world examples of how PMICs extend runtime across different applications will be provided. Product designers will learn important considerations for PMIC selection and system integration. With a comprehensive understanding of this essential technology, mobile battery life horizons can be significantly expanded.


What is a Power Management IC?

To really grasp a PMIC's role, it helps to first understand some basics about electrical power and its management within portable electronics. Every powered device contains a battery that acts as the main direct current (DC) power source. This battery voltage, usually around 3-4.2 volts for a lithium-ion cell, must be processed and adapted into the precise levels individual components require.

This is the primary function of the power management IC or PMIC. In its most basic form, a PMIC is an integrated circuit that efficiently performs four core power management tasks:

Voltage Regulation: As voltages straight from the battery could damage sensitive components, the PMIC steps down or "buck" converts the battery voltage using high-speed switching regulators to safer, optimized levels like 1.2v or 3.3v required by processors, memory, radios and more.

Battery Charging: To re-charge the battery in a protected manner, the PMIC monitors charging profiles and precisely controls charge current to avoid damage from overcharging. It cuts off power when the battery reaches full capacity.

Load Switching: The PMIC selectively powers different loads by electronically closing or opening switches connecting them to the battery/regulator outputs. This sequencing minimizes power usage by only activating needed components.

Protection Circuits: Essential safety circuits within the PMIC swiftly detect overvoltage, overcurrent or electrostatic discharge faults to prevent harm to the battery or other components. The PMIC immediately isolates troubled loads in an event.

Beyond these core capabilities, advancements have greatly expanded PMIC functionality over time. Sophisticated features like variable voltage regulation, integrated power modules and intelligent power management now optimize power usage at a granular level for maximum efficiency.

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PMIC Technologies for Maximizing Battery Runtime

As portable device power needs grow but available battery capacity remains fixed, PMIC vendors must continually push the boundaries of power efficiency. Here's a deeper look at some cutting-edge PMIC technologies employed by leading vendors:

Variable Voltage Control

Rather than fixed output voltages, advanced PMICs dynamically adjust levels based on real-time load requirements. Lowering supply voltages reduces component power consumption quadratically based on voltage-current relations. Fine-grained VRMs enable substantial per-load savings.

Variable Frequency Regulation

Similar to how CPUs dynamically shift operating frequencies, PMICs now vary supplied clock frequencies downward when high speeds aren't required by radios, storage or other loads. Lower frequencies translate to proportionally lower dynamic power usage.

Multi-Phase Buck Conversion

Traditional single-phase VRMs suffer current ripple losses. Modern multi-phase buck converters enable tighter voltage regulation through parallel power stages that cooperatively minimize ripple. This significantly boosts conversion efficiency versus single-phase designs.

Load Transient Response

Transitions like screen brightness changes cause momentary large load changes. PMICs with under 50 microsecond transient response times precisely meet shifting demands without inefficient voltage dips or overshoots that sap battery power.

Adaptive Communications Interfaces

Advanced PMICs integrate communications interfaces supporting I2C, SPI and others to enable runtime adaptation. For example, a PMIC might detect dim lighting and autonomously lower LCD backlight levels via adaptive interface control.

On-Chip Voltage Regulation

Rather than regulate off-chip, leading-edge PMICs fully integrate high-performance buck converters and other voltage regulation circuitry directly onto the PMIC die. This miniaturized component count while enhancing regulation precision.

Integrated Power Modules

Top-tier PMICs incorporate other vital power components like switching MOSFETs, inductors and capacitors within the same package or die. Monolithically integrating critical power stages slashes external component overhead and parasitic energy losses.

These sophisticated PMIC technologies make it possible to tightly track varying component load demands in real-time while minimizing voltage and current resource wastage. Their rapid control capabilities are game-changing for maximizing usable battery power.

Emerging PMIC Solutions for Even Longer Runtimes

Power management IC innovation continues to accelerate as portable device usage evolves. Cutting-edge research now aims to squeeze every last mWh from batteries. Here are some promising next-gen PMIC technologies on the horizon:

AI-Assisted Power Management

Advanced machine learning integration enables "self-learning" PMICs that profile typical device usage to anticipate future load patterns. By proactively power-gating unnecessary functions, significant idle power savings can be realized compared to reactive strategies.

3D Chip Stacking

Vertically stacking silicon PMIC dice with other system-on-chips using TSV interconnect reduces component count/complexity. Shorter interconnect lengths also curb resistive-capacitive parasitics that otherwise increase power loss. Early prototypes demonstrate efficiency boosts.

Monolithic 3D Integration

Taking 3D integration a step further, some startups are developing truly "3D monolithic" PMIC designs. Rather than stacking pre-fabricated chips, individual transistor layers are built atop each other. Further compaction could eliminate entire conversion steps.

Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

Replacing traditional silicon MOSFET gate drivers with gallium nitride (GaN) enables power switches running over ten times faster frequencies while maintaining high current capacity. Theoretical modeling projects up to 50% total system power savings through smaller, faster design headroom unlocked by GaN.

On-Sensor/Display Regulation

Situating localized voltage control circuitry physically adjacent to power-hungry end-loads like image sensors or panels minimizes parasitic impedance between regulator and load. Early prototypes show efficiency improvements around 10-15% attributable just to reduced transmission line losses.

If successfully commercialized, these nascent PMIC technologies promise to multiply usable battery capacity many times over - enabling not just all-day but all-week runtimes on a single portable device charge. Persistent innovation maintains a bright future for maximizing mobile battery potential.

Optimizing Power Across Market Segments

PMIC design complexities differ significantly depending on the intended application environment and usage models. Here's a closer look at how key markets drive specialized power management requirements:


As the ultimate multipurpose gadget, smartphones demand tour-de-force power optimization from PMICs. The abrupt load changes from tasks like launching the camera while gaming pushes transient response capabilities. Sophisticated runtime prediction helps smartphones "learn" optimal settings over time.


Larger tablet batteries enable lengthy media consumption sessions. Ensuring stable voltage regulation during prolonged use alongside fast recharge support differentiates tablets. Idle power management also extends standby time between charges.


Balancing high-performance processor needs with multi-hour operation away from outlets challenges laptop PMICs. Dynamic voltage/frequency scaling optimally powers graphics-heavy workflows while preserving charge. Alternative power inputs like USB-PD extend uptime.


Ultra-small form factors compress PMIC size while demanding extremely low quiescent currents. Rapid workload scheduling helps multi-day heart rate/activity tracking on a coin cell battery. Motion-triggered " burst modes maximize sensor data capture.

Industrial/Commercial IoT

Drones, security cameras, building automation all require reliability under stressful conditions like vibration and wide temperature ranges. Fail-operational designs facilitate long product service life from non-replaceable batteries powering remote endpoints.

Automotive Systems

Safety-critical voltages call for sophisticated PMIC protections during high-energy DC fast charging. Tight voltage regulation sustains high-powered driving while smoothly interfacing regenerative braking energy recovery back to the battery.

By tailoring power regulation strategies to usage context, PMICs play a pivotal role in optimizing runtimes across diverse mobile markets. Their behind-the-scenes efforts keep the latest applications and experiences running smoothly on each battery charge.

PMIC Design Considerations for Engineers

To fully leverage PMIC capabilities, development engineers must carefully plan the entire power delivery system architecture. Key factors impacting design decisions include:

Expected Power Load Profile

Characterize typical and peak loads to size the battery correctly. Model transient current spikes during high workload shifts that challenge regulation.

Reference Design Evaluation

Work with PMIC vendors to select proven, optimized "starting solutions" that accelerate bringing products to market. Learn from proven topology choices.

Component Selection

Choose high-efficiency batteries, inductors and capacitors matched to the PMIC. Factors like ESR, switching speeds and power ratings all influence overall system efficiency.

Thermal Considerations

Manage heat from switching converters through PCB layout, heatsinking and thermal vias. Prevent excessive junction temperatures that degrade performance over time.

Input/Output Capabilities

Leverage all available PMIC interfaces like USB Power Delivery for flexible external power options extending runtime. Plan for future expandability.

Voltage Margins

Allow comfortable design guard bands above minimum operating voltages to protect against manufacturing variations, temperature shifts and component aging over product lifetime.

Load Sequencing

Plan orderly start-stop of converters and subsystems to avoid power spikes. Smooth sequencing avoids voltage drops while ensuring safe order of operations.

Regulation Loop Compensation

Stabilize feedback control loops through compensation networks tuned for each regulator stage. Prevent instability from causing noise or efficiency reduction.

Product Longevity Requirements

Account for multi-year requirement lifespan through careful component selection, testing protocols and build quality processes that mitigate wear over extended deployment.

With diligence applied to these factors upfront, development teams enable PMICs to achieve their full potential for optimized power and prolonged usable battery lifetimes in finished products.

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PMIC Vendor Evaluation and Selection

Choosing the right PMIC solution depends on factors such as technical specifications, support services, supply chain stability and pricing models. Evaluating vendors involves considering attributes like:

Feature Set - Verify all required functions such as integrated power modules, specific interfaces and certifications are supported. Consider room for future expansion.

Efficiency - Select solutions with published figures that demonstrate best-in-class active and quiescent current performance to maximize run time.

Reliability - Check the mean time between failure ratings, and available reliability reports from accelerated life testing and warranties. Harsher industrial applications may require tighter specs.

Innovation - Partner with market leaders committed to sustaining a rapid product refresh and IP development cadence to stay ahead of the curve.

Development Support - Well-resourced vendors provide rich collateral like reference designs, software/tools and responsive application engineering assistance through product development cycles.

Supply Security - Assess manufacturing capacity, packaging reliability and business longevity. Large established vendors better absorb unexpected demand fluctuations or component shortages.

Pricing - Weigh the often higher upfront per-unit PMIC cost against the ‘lifetime’ value from extended battery service life. Higher volume applications may require more competitive pricing.

Selecting the optimal PMIC partner boils down to finding the solution and vendor attributes balancing technical merits, business risks and value creation aligned with the end product's design and commercialization requirements.

PMIC Integration and Board-Level Design

Once selected, physically integrating the PMIC at the board level involves several crucial steps:

Thermal Considerations

Ensure adequate PCB copper for heat conduction away from PMIC/power components. Thermal vias efficiently dissipate heat to internal/external surfaces. Conformal coating or thermal interface materials transfer junction heat.

Input/Output Placement

Lay out PMIC with clean, shortest pinouts to power terminals, voltage sense points and processor/load areas to minimize parasitic trace resistances/inductances.

Decoupling Capacitors

Place multiple small ceramic decoupling caps as close as possible (under 1mm) to PMIC and load voltage pins for high-frequency noise bypassing and transient response support.

Guard Traces

Isolate analog/digital sections with ground and power planes. Careful routing spacing and termination avoids interference/crosstalk that impacts precision regulation.

Component Selection

Choose inductors, MOSFETs and other external parts highly matched to PMIC specifications for optimized efficiency. Consider future upgradability.

Test Point Access

Include ample solder pads/test points across the design for debugging signals, modifying compensation networks and characterizing performance during bring-up and validation.


Floor plan components for high quality, automated assembly with pick-and-place machinery. Reserve adequate clearance around PMIC for post-reflow inspection/rework needs.

Thermal Simulation

Model worst-case thermal profiles under heavy workload stress conditions. Confirm long-term reliability from peak operating junction temperatures through copper pouring and forced air.

Strict adherence to these integration best practices unlocks the full capabilities of PMIC solutions for building robust, efficient power delivery targeting long product service lifetimes.

PMIC Validation and Testing Methodology

Once the PMIC and power system board design achieve initial functionality, rigorous testing validates the robustness of the power solution implemented. Key PMIC evaluation phases include:

Functional Testing

Initialize regulators, observe start-up behavior and confirm expected operation modes. Validate proper load sequencing, current limiting and other digital controls.

No-Load Consumption

Precisely characterize quiescent/active PMIC currents when no system loads are drawing power. Critical for assessing standby efficiency.

Load Transient Response

Stress regulators with simulated abrupt load changes. Measure voltage undershoots/overshoots and regulate settling times to microsecond resolution for high dynamic accuracy.

Line/Load Regulation

Systematically vary input voltage and load current draws, monitoring output regulation stability and deviation from nominal voltages. Tight regulation essential across operating ranges.

Thermal Testing

Quantify maximum continuous output currents allowed before over-temperature shutdown occurs. Characterize performance degradation at temperature extremes.

EMI/RFI Susceptibility

Expose boards to electromagnetic interference sources to check for increased noise/glitching. Prevent radiated emissions compliance issues.

Safety Certification Testing

Subject full designs to global safety standards including electrical fault conditions for approvals. Validate all protections reliably operate as intended.

Long-Term Reliability

Accelerate lifetime operation through temperature/humidity cycling and high-current stress screening. Catch any infant mortality faults before production.

This iterative development and qualification process helps uncover any power design weaknesses for correction. Only after passing all validation milestones can PMIC-based solutions ensure stable, dependable runtimes required by customers.

PMIC Application in Complex Systems

While battery-powered smartphones, laptops and other consumer devices highly publicize new PMIC platforms, industrial and commercial systems present even more daunting power integration challenges. Medical, avionics, robotics, factory automation and mission-critical infrastructure all demand ultra-reliable power management ICs. Additional considerations for such applications include:

Functional Safety Certifications

Designing PMIC-based solutions to stringent IEC 61508, ISO 26262 and other functional safety standards strictly regulating embedded systems in life-critical use cases.

Implementing N+1 redundant PMICs and backup power supplies provides fail-operational/fail-safe reliability demanded by continuous availability systems.

Harsh Environmental Protection

Ruggedizing boards and conformal coating assemblies withstand harsh washing/cleaning, wide temperature swings, moisture, dust, vibration and shock encountered in industrial settings.

Secure/Isolated Communications

Implementing robust galvanic isolation, encryption and authentication protocols when transmitting data via PMIC interfaces to prevent cyber threats in networked equipment.

Customized Regulator Performance

Tight voltage set points, dynamic response profiles, sequencing algorithms and protection triggering tailored precisely for unique load characteristics.

Predictive Maintenance

Monitoring parameters like temperature-adjusted voltage drift and current consumption degradation enable equipment self-diagnostics predicting maintenance needs before faults occur.

System-Level Integration

Holistic co-designing PMIC platforms together with embedded processors, FPGAs, memory and I/O for extremely tight coupling between power delivery and compute resources.

While demanding more from PMIC partners, pushing the boundaries in these complex application areas drives new levels of safety, reliability and performance benefiting broader technology. Sustained innovation maintains industrial and infrastructure competitiveness.

Future of PMIC Technology

As mobile experiences rapidly evolve and new powered applications emerge, the pace of power management innovation shows no signs of slowing. Exciting frontiers on the PMIC technology horizon include:

AI-Enabled Runtime Learning

Advanced machine learning algorithms capable of continuously profiling usage to immediately recognize and proactively optimize settings for greatest efficiency. Self-training PMICs autonomously Fine tune themselves over product lifetime.

Monolithic 3D Integration

Building complete system-on-chips by vertically integrating processor, memory, analog and digital logic circuits using monolithic 3D fabrication. Truly realizes the vision of optimally co-locating all components.

Embedded Non-Volatile Memory

Incorporating novel non-volatile memory like ReRAM inside PMICs provides local firmware updates/reconfigurability without external memory interfaces. Enables adaptive features even in simple designs.

Optical Interconnects

Replacing wire bonds and printed interconnects with integrated silicon photonics opens up totally new miniaturization and bandwidth frontiers. Optoelectronic PMICs transmit high-speed voltage sensing/control signals over chip-scale distances at nearly speed of light velocities with extremely low power.

Integrated Energy Harvesting

Scavenging ambient thermal, kinetic or light energy using on-chip microgenerators maintains tiny batteryless devices indefinitely. Multi-source energy integration maximizes duty cycles for battery replacement-free operation critical to trillion sensor IoT vision.

Whether powering tomorrow’s compact artificial intelligence at the edge or enabling unprecedented device form factors, PMIC innovation sustains the exponential scaling, mobility and connectivity users now expect. Persistent R&D keeps the battery life revolution charging ahead into an electrifying future.


Portable devices have transformed nearly every aspect of modern life, yet remain tethered to batteries with fixed energy densities. To circumvent this constraint and fulfill high performance demands, clever power management proves indispensable. Integrated PMIC circuits expertly monitor, control and optimize electrical power flow - redistributing watt-hours precisely where needed and minimizing waste.

Through sophisticated circuit techniques like multi-phase voltage regulation, variable operating modes and adaptive learning algorithms, power management ICs realize meaningful battery savings that translate to longer continuous use between charges. Emerging PMIC solutions target even greater efficiencies by more closely integrating power stages with other silicon resources.

While often unseen, PMIC innovation forms a crucial backbone sustaining the rapid pace of mobile innovation expected by consumers globally. By extending usable battery service lifetimes, these dedicated management ICs help bring about the high-performance yet all-day powered experiences shaping both consumer and industrial realms. Continued PMIC research drives further runtime enabling that maintains momentum towards a boundless mobile future.


