Since all PCB products are specially customized, your order on NextPCB can be canceled before the products are produced. If the order has been paid, you will get a full refund after the cancellation. Please note that redeemed points and coupons are not refundable. If the products have been produced or shipped, cancellation cannot be accepted.
Your order on HQ Online can only be canceled before the products are shipped. If the order has been paid, you will get a full refund after the cancellation. Please note that redeemed points and coupons are not refundable. If the products have been shipped, cancellation cannot be accepted. If the goods delivery confirms lost in transit, HQ Online accept refund application.
Since all PCB products are specially customized according to your design file. We are not responsible for engineering or manufacturing problems caused by the PCB file. Nevertheless, our PCB engineers will review the PCB file with the best of our capability. We will contact for your confirmation or modification shall there be issue found during our review.
If we fail to manufacture the PCB according to your files and remarks or meet the corresponding IPC standard, you have the right to apply for the goods returned within 20 days after receiving the product. Please note that return request needs HQ Online’s authorization. Returned PCBs will be re-produced and re-sent to your address with no additional freight or customs related charges.
HQ Online only accept return requests due to quality issues.
Please check all the goods delivery of your orders. Shall there be any problems with the delivery,please contact our customer service.. Return requests should be submitted within 30 days of the goods delivery with clear information of HQ Online order number, pictures of products and labels, and detailed problem descriptions.
Return request needs HQ Online’s authorization.
After receiving your return request, we will contact you by email to confirm whether you need to return the goods. If refund is applied, we will refund to your credit card or to your paid account within a certain number of days. HQ Online won’t refund the goods return without our authorization. Please check your bank account or contact your credit card/banking company for the refund arrival. Generally, the refund may take several days to arrive.If you have completed these actions but have not received the refund, please contact us through